Senin, 28 November 2011

How to Enable Native FaceTime Over 3G on iOS 5

These are instructions on how to enable native FaceTime over 3G on iOS 5.

Step One
Jailbreak your device using these tutorials.

Step Two
Launch Cydia from your SpringBoard.

Step Three
Press to choose Sections from the tabs at the bottom of the screen.

Step Four
Select System from the list of Sections.

Step Five
Choose iFile from the list of Packages.

Step Six
Press the Install button at the top right of the screen. A free trial is available if you haven't already purchased this app.

Step Seven
Press the Confirm button to begin installation.

Step Eight
Press the large Return to Cydia button once installation has completed successfully.

Step Nine
Press the Home button to return to your SpringBoard then launch iFile

Step Ten
Navigate to /System/Library/CoreServices/

Step Eleven
Press to select N90AP.plist from the list of files then choose Text Viewer from the popup menu.

Step Twelve
Press the Edit button at the top left of the screen.

Step Thirteen
Add the following:


inside the capabilities dict, then press the Save button:

Step Fourteen
You can now restart your iOS device and and use FaceTime over 3G. (Don't forget to boot tethered if you need to).


[How To] Jailbreak iOS 5 and iOS 5.0.1 With Ac1dsn0w

Ac1dsn0w is a new jailbreak tool released by the Pwn Dev Team to jailbreak iOS 5 and iOS 5.0.1.

Be warned that Ac1dsn0w is brand new and in Beta number 1. There will be bugs. You do this at your own risk. If you want a more reliable jailbreak, use Redsn0w or Sn0wbreeze.

Ac1dsn0w is only available for Mac OS X right now. For legality issues, we will not be providing links. You can find it via Google.

This jailbreak tool only works with:
  • iPhone 3Gs
  • iPhone 4
  • iPod Touch 4G
  • iPad 1
To jailbreak an iOS 5 or iOS 5.0.1 iDevice using Ac1dsn0w, you will need the Ac1dsn0w application. Right now, it's only available for Mac OS X Lion and Snow Leopard. You can download it here. It is about a 35MB download and will take a bit to download depending on your internet connection type and speed.

After you have downloaded it, unzip the .zip file and drag the application to your applications folder. Once you do that, open it up. The window will look like the first picture of this guide; up above. This is the main window of Ac1dsn0w. You have the option to jailbreak, boot tethered, enter pwned DFU mode, or exit recovery. Additionally, if you're an expert, you might want to show the console; it shows device information and the current state of the jailbreaking process. If you're a newbie, you might want to show the assistant; it shows how to get into DFU mode. The assistant and the console can be seen below:
Once you put your device into DFU mode, you can use the assistant on Ac1dsn0w but clicking, "show assistant" if you don't know how, you can click the jailbreak button on Ac1dsn0w. Ac1dsn0w will then go through the process that it needs to:
When it finishes the jailbreak process, you can click on the Tethered Boot option to boot tethered after jailbreaking. You will need to put your Device into DFU mode to do this just like any other tethered jailbreak; follow the assistant again before you click it:
Once you are up and running, enjoy your tethered jailbreak on iOS 5 and iOS 5.0.1! You can install the Semi-tether to have the freedom to boot up your iDevice with stock iOS features. The Semi-tether will not grant you any jailbreak features until you boot tethered again.

Update x1: MuscleNerd of iPhone Dev-Team has confirmed that Ac1dSn0w in it’s current state contains code that has been illegally distributed. We have removed all the download links of Ac1dSn0w until the team behind the tool fixes this issue. We highly recommend using iPhone Dev Team’s Redsn0w, which can semi-tether jailbreak iOS 5.x on iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad 1, iPod touch.
Minggu, 27 November 2011

Hackintosh boot loader

Standalone Installer to update to the latest Chimera bootloader.

Boot CD for Retail DVD - 10.6.x only

Boot CD for Unsupported CPUs & GPUs - 10.6.x only

Simple Kext Installer

The Ultimate Post-Installation Utility. 10.7.x only.

The Ultimate Post-Installation Utility. 10.6.x only.

Official NVIDIA Drivers for Quadro and for "Fermi" GeForce 4xx Graphics Cards. Necessary for 10.6.x.

Rescue CD that boots 10.6.x, 10.7.x and xMove created installer.

Rescue CD that boots 10.6.x, 10.7.x and xMove created installer. (Laptop Edition)

For Sandy Bridge users updating to 10.6.8 ONLY. Run this tool before running the 10.6.8 Combo Update.

OS X Lion Installation Tool - updated for App or USB Thumb Drive

Tool to Create a Bootable 10.7.x Installation USB Drive from App or USB Thumb

Senin, 21 November 2011

Install Android 4.0 ICS On Galaxy S II And Galaxy S [How-to Tutorial]

The latest and, according to some, most important update to Google’s Android OS – 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich – was open-sourced just a few days ago and talented folks from the hacking and developers community have already managed to get Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) working on some of the most popular handsets. In this post, we’ll guide our readers on how they can flash ICS on a Samsung Galaxy S and Galaxy S II. Check it out after the break!

The news comes from developer xplodwild over on Twitter in the form of a tweet which links to the files required for flashing ICS on Galaxy S / S II.
The current build – Alpha 7 – is, well, in alpha stage. Most things, particularly connectivity features such as modem, Bluetooth, WiFi and other basic things like sound, camera etc. do not work. This build is not recommended for daily use. We suggest you stay away from this until the stable or at least beta builds arrive.

How To Install Android 4.0 ICS Alpha On Galaxy S / SII

Your phone must be rooted for this flashing process. Follow our guide on how to root Galaxy S II or look up how to root Galaxy S on Google. You must also flash ClockworkMod Recovery. 

Secondly, please ensure that your phone has enough battery to last through the process which doesn’t take more than 5 minutes if you’ve got all the files ready. If your phone does run out of battery during the process, chances are it may get “bricked”.
Lastly, be sure to take a nandroid backup which you can use to restore your previous setup.
With that out of the way, let’s get ICS flashed on our GS/GSII!
Step 1: Download required ICS file to your computer.
Step 2: Connect your device via USB and transfer the file to the root of your phone’s storage media.
Step 3: Turn off your phone after transfer is complete. Now, turn off your device.
Step 4: Boot into ClockworkMod Recovery by holding Volume Up + Home + Power button simultaneously until the main menu shows up on screen.
Step 5: Scroll down to mounts and storage and format /system. After that, you must also format /data and /cache.
Go back to menu and then wipe data / factory reset.
Step 6: From main menu: install zip from sdcard > choose zip from sdcard > [name of file you downloaded in step 1] to flash ICS to your device.
If you followed the steps correctly, you should now have Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich Alpha build installed on your Samsung Galaxy S or S II smartphone.

Creating an iPhone app


  • Mac OSX (if you have windows, try this)
  • XCode IDE (3.x +)
  • Jailbroken iPhone or iPod Touch


This guide will teach you how to make and transfer an iPhone application. It will not teach you about Cocoa or Objective C, and you do not need to know it to follow this guide.

Getting Started:

Open up XCode. You can do this by searching for it in Spotlight (the magnifying glass icon on the menu), or navigating to /Developer/Applications.

Either click Create New XCode Project in the welcome screen, or File -> New Project.... Under iOS select Application then View-based Application.

Name the project First App and save it wherever.

Making The Application:

You should now have a project screen that looks like this:
 Click the Build and Run icon. The iPhone simulator should start and give you a blank gray screen.
 Lets add some stuff to the app. Quit iPhone Simulator and double click the MainWindow.xib file, Interface Builder should pop up.
 Search for View in the Library box, and drag it to the iPhone window.

Now search for Label in the Library box, and drag it to the iPhone window. Change the text to My First App.
Save the file File -> Save. If you want to change the background color, etc. you can try messing around with Interface Builder.

To make sure it works, go back to XCode and click the Build and Run icon again. Your app should look similar to this:
If you want to add an icon, then make a 57 X 57 png file named Icon.png. Then add it to your project by selecting Project -> Add To Project.

Releasing The App:

Right now, our app only works with iPhone Simulator. We will have to do some extra stuff to make it able to run on your iPhone/iPod Touch.

In Xcode, click File -> New File.... Under iOS select Code Signing then Entitlements. Leave the settings to defaults.

Create a new Certificate. To do this, open up Keychain Access. You can search for it in Spotlight, or find it under /Applications/Utilites. Click Keychain Access -> Certificate Assistant -> Create a Certificate.... In the wizard that pops up change the name to iPhone Developer, change the Certificate Type to Code Signing, and check the box that says Let me override defaults.
Click continue and leave everything to defaults except for the email address field (blank it out).

Make XCode use your certificate. To do this open up Terminal. You can search for it in Spotlight, or find it under /Applications/Utilities. Copy and paste the following and press enter. It will ask you for your administrative password.
Note: For security reasons, your password will not be shown when you type.
sudo /usr/bin/sed -i .bak 's/XCiPhoneOSCodeSignContext/XCCodeSignContext/' /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Info.plist
Then restart XCode.

After opening up your project in XCode again (File -> Open - PATH_TO_PROJECT/First App.xcodeproj), click the top left dropdown list and change the values as follows:

  • Change Simulator to Device
  • Change Debug to Release
Next click Build -> Build. If you look under /PATH_TO_PROJECT/build/Release-iphoneos/ you should see the First App application. I will be referring to this as PATH_TO_APP.

Final Product:

Project Files:

Download Project

You can find the app under /build/Release-iphoneos/.
Jumat, 18 November 2011

Unlock iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and 4S without jailbreak

Michael Capozzi found an interesting bug in iOS 5, allow anyone to unlock iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. Unlock method presented last night seems to work for some iPhone owners who bought with AT & T in the U.S. Unlock method is based on an iOS 5 bug and the video below shows the entire procedure.

Following are the instructions for iOS 5.

1.   Insert the original carrier AT & T SIM card
2.   Dial 611 for AT & T customer service hotline and drop the call
3.   Turn on Airplane Mode
4.   Take out the SIM card AT & T
5.   Insert T-Mobile SIM card
6.   Make sure WiFi is off (also on tap "Forget this Network" to make sure it Does not connect  
      automatically side)
7.   Switch off Airplane Mode and iPhone Will search for network. This is the Apple splash screen 
      FOLLOWED BY appearing.
8.   Activation Required will be displayed on the screen
9.   Will EDGE network automatically activated – notice the ‘E’ on the top left corner of the screen
10. Wait for about 20-30 seconds and turn off the phone
11. Turn on the iPhone and the Same Activation Required screen will be displayed
12. When you see one signal bar, tap on Doors Cellular Connection
13. Eject the SIM card
14. Activation Required screen displayed will be the second time
15. Insert SIM card
16. Unlocked!.

Unlocking your iPhone would allow you to use it in T-Mobile's network as well as in other countries' networks.
Kamis, 17 November 2011

Fedora Electronic Lab Untuk Pembelajaran Elektro

Sebelumnya mohon maaf jika info ini sudah usang (out of date). Mungkin bermanfaat bagi yang belum tahu dan memerlukannya.
Fedora sebagai salah satu distribusi GNU/Linux menyediakan Fedora Electronic Lab. Sesuai namanya, distro ini dikhususkan untuk siswa/mahasiswa/siapapun yang berminat atau berkecimpung di dunia elektronika. Didasari bahwa sistem operasi MS Windows memiliki lisensi mahal dan mengikat (serta untuk menurunkan tingkat pembajakan dan penggunaan bajakannya), termasuk juga harga lisensi perangkat lunak untuk kegiatan elektronika ini yang terbilang mahal dan juga mengikat, maka keberadaan distro ini menjadi solusi murah namun tetap produktif untuk digunakan.

Fedora Electronic Lab merupakan EDA (Electronic Design Automation) berbasis distribusi (distro) Linux Fedora Spin yang dibangun bersama – sama oleh komunitas dan penyedia layanan EDA berbasis open source. Keberadaan distro ini menjadi jembatan penghubung antara komunitas open source baik di sisi hardware maupun software. Spin sendiri merupakan versi alternatif untuk Fedora dengan penambahan aplikasi, kostumisasi, sesuai dengan keinginan user. Dalam Fedora Electronic Lab ini, disediakan platform untuk kemudahan dalam melakukan desain perangkat keras (hardware) high end  maupun simulasi.

Fedora Electronic Lab menyediakan kelebihan sebagai berikut :
1. Memudahkan untuk melakukan deploy baik dalam lingkungan development maupun production.
2. Anda tidak perlu melakukan patch terhadap kernel, gunakan saja langsung sesuai keperluan.
3. Karena berlisensi open source, anda tidak perlu membayar lisensi apapun atau kode aktivasi untuk mengaktifkan/menggunakan layanan yang ada. Hal mana yang sangat bermanfaat tanpa harus mengeluarkan uang sangat banyak ataupun mencari crack.
Jika anda berminat, silahkan unduh di sini :
Atau gunakan mirror lokal yang telah saya buatkan di server ITB untuk menghemat bandwith :
Berikut beberapa capture yang saya ambil dari situsnya di








Semoga bermanfaat.

Sumber :
Selasa, 15 November 2011

Run Mac OS X Lion on Windows with Virtualbox

Computer Requirements

You need a computer with Windows to run Mac OSX on Windows (of course). You will need at least 4 GB of RAM and a dual-core (two core) processor or better. Personally, the computer I was using for this had a 4-core processor and 12 GB RAM, which is way more than enough. You also need about 10 GB of unused hard drive space.

Right click on "My Computer" on your desktop and click "Properties" to check the stats on your computer. If it doesn't directly tell you how many cores your processor has, look up your processor model on Wikipedia or Google. You also want to remember whether your processor is "Intel" or "AMD". It's important to know what type of processor you have when you're actually installing Mac OSX86.

General Requirements

In addition to a good computer, you need these following four things to run Mac OS X on Windows.

-Virtualbox: Virtualbox is a free and open-source application by Oracle, that lets you to run an operating system within a virtual computer within your operating system. Like Inception, except a lot nerdier, and possibly less complicated. To put it simply, this will let you run Mac OS X within a program window on your computer.

-uTorrent: Mac OSX is massive, so you'll be downloading it by using the bittorrent file protocol. uTorrent is your basic bittorrent client.

Though any bittorrent client can download Mac OSX, uTorrent is the most popular one for Windows, which is why I'm using it for my demonstration. It helps if you have basic knowledge on how to use bittorrent, but if not, you can figure it out as you go.

-Mac OSX86: "OSX86" is Mac OSX that has been hacked to run on Windows. Torrent download link for Mac OS X Lion 10.7:

The above copies of Mac OS X Lion will ONLY WORK WITH INTEL PROCESSORS. In order for you to boot Lion on Virtualbox, your computer must have an Intel processor, not an AMD processor.

Torrent download links for Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 (works on both Intel and AMD processors):

-An uncapped internet connection: Like I said, Mac OSX is massive. And it's possible that you might have to download an alternate torrent, if the above ones don't work. So if your internet provider limits that amount of data you can use every month, that's not a good thing.

P.S. This isn't really a problem in the U.S., since almost all internet plans there are uncapped (unless you live in the wilderness of Montana or something).

Step 1: Install Virtualbox

Step 2: Download the torrent.
Download the torrent and open it with uTorrent. From there, the main file will start downloading automatically. How long it takes will depend on your internet- it took me like an hour, but for most people, it'll be at least 4 hours. Grab a coffee or something.
 Your downloaded Mac OSX should be a .iso file (a compressed DVD or CD file). Keep it that way.

If your downloaded file is a .zip or .rar file, extract it (right-click it and choose "Extract"). If your computer can't extract .rar files, you will need to use a program such as WinRAR or 7-zip.

Step 3: Create a new virtual machine.
Virtualbox lets you run Mac OSX within Windows by creating a virtual machine, which is a program that simulates a normal computer. To create a virtual machine, open up Virtualbox and click "New" on the upper left. Give your new virtual machine a name, and choose "Mac OS X" for the OS Type.

 I recommend assigning at least 2 GB (2000 MB) of RAM to the virtual machine, which is the minimum for Mac OS X Lion. If you're installing Snow Leopard, then you can assign as little as 1024 MB of RAM. Every time you turn on Mac OSX86, that RAM that you assign here will be used to run the virtual machine. The RAM will be given back to your normal computer after you turn Virtualbox off.

You'll need to create a new hard disk for the virtual machine. Virtualbox will ask you what type of disk you want to create: VDI, VDMK, or VHD. VDI is the original format for Virtualbox, while VDMK is the format used by VMWare, a paid alternative to Virtualbox. If you're considering getting a copy of VMWare, you might want to choose VDMK. Otherwise, just choose VDI. I recommend creating a dynamically expanding disk; the only other option, fixed-size storage, will eat up your hard drive.

Step 4: Give your new virtual machine an operating system.
Your virtual machine will now be created. But don't stop now--you still need to change a few settings before your machine will actually work. Your new virtual machine will show up on the left column of the Virtualbox start page. Select your Mac OSX86 virtual machine (single-click) from the main page of Virtualbox, and open up the virtual machine settings. Once the settings open up, go to "System" and uncheck the "Enable EFI" box. This is by far the most important single setting that you will need to change.
 EFI, which stands for Extended Firmware Interface, is a feature that helps operating systems start up. Unfortunately, Mac OSX requires 'speshul' EFI, so the EFI that Virtualbox uses doesn't work.

In addition, make sure that "Enable IO APIC" is checked. Then, click on the "Acceleration" tab and check both of the options there. I'm not sure whether these options actually matter (EFI is definitely the most important variable), but it's better safe than sorry.

Once you're done with that, go to the settings for "Storage". In the storage tree box, you'll see a CD icon labeled "Empty". Click on it and click "Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file".

You'll end up at a window to choose a file. Click "Add" on the top bar and find your downloaded version of Mac OSX. Once you select it, finish and go back to the main Virtualbox window.

Step 5: Start it up!
This is the long step, where you'll actually install Mac OS X. Remember, Lion can only be installed on computers with Intel processors (read the FAQ at the end of this guide if you want to know why).

How to Install Mac OS X Lion
Start up your virtual machine. You should come up to a screen with some dude in a hat. Either that, or a black-and-white picture of a Lion. It depends on whether you downloaded OS X from the first link or the second link. (If your virtual machine goes into "kernel panic" instead, make sure that you disabled EFI like I told you to in the previous step of this guide. And once again, Lion doesn't work on AMD processors.)

Press enter to startup the Lion installer.

You'll be greeted with the language screen.

Continue, and you will eventually come up to a page that asks you for a "destination" for your Mac install. Oh no, the page is blank! We'll have to fix that. To do this, start up Disk Utility (located under the Utilities menu).

Mac OSX can only be installed on a completely clean disk, so you need to use Disk Utility to wipe your Virtualbox hard disk. Click on the Virtualbox hard disk in Disk Utility and erase it. Don't worry, there's nothing important on it.

On the installation page for Mac OSX, the Virtualbox hard disk should now be showing up. Select it and continue.

 Once that's done with, Mac OSX will install itself. This will take at least 20 minutes.

When the installation finishes, Mac OS X will crash. This is normal. Restart your virtual machine (make sure not to eject your installation DVD).

 At the bootup screen, you'll see an icon for the hard drive where you installed Lion. Select it (use the arrow keys on your computer) and press "Enter". Lion will boot, and you should eventually be led to the Mac OS X setup screen. Fill it out, then mission accomplished!

How to Install Mac OS X Snow Leopard
Start up your virtual machine. You should come up to the language screen. (If your virtual machine goes into "kernel panic" instead, make sure that you disabled EFI like I told you to in the previous step of this guide. If disabling EFI still doesn't fix it, then you may have to try downloading a different torrent.)

Continue, and you will eventually come up to a page that asks you for a "destination" for your Mac install. Oh no, the page is blank! We'll have to fix that. To do this, start up Disk Utility (located under the Utilities menu).
 Mac OSX can only be installed on a completely clean disk, so you need to use Disk Utility to wipe your Virtualbox hard disk. Click on the Virtualbox hard disk in Disk Utility and erase it. Don't worry, there's nothing important on it.
On the installation page for Mac OSX, the Virtualbox hard disk should now be showing up. Select it and continue.

You will now see an "Install Summary" page.

Click the "customize" button. This is where you install additional drivers and patches, so that your virtual machine will actually be able to boot. Some versions of MacOSX86 pre-install everything for you. Some don't. Just be sure to select the following options:
 If your computer has an Intel processor:

-Open the "Kernels" dropdown and choose "Legacy Kernel". Don't choose the patch for Intel Atom--that's only for netbooks. If you don't see anything called "Legacy Kernel", then just don't choose anything. Some versions of Mac OSX86 don't include it.
    -Open the "Bootloaders" dropdown and choose the newest version of Chameleon. If it's already been selected, then you probably don't need to change anything.
If your computer has an AMD processor:

-Choose "AMD" or "AMD Patch".
    -Open the "Kernels" dropdown and choose "Legacy Kernel". Don't choose the patch for Intel Atom--that's only for netbooks. If you don't see anything called "Legacy Kernel", then just don't choose anything. Some versions of Mac OSX86 don't include it.
If you see system updates at the top of the "Customize" list, you can choose to install those too. However, this might break the sound on your virtual machine, and you will have to manually reactivate it by following Step 7 in this guide.

Once that's done with, Mac OSX will install itself. This will take at least 20 minutes. You can save some time by skipping the disk check.
 Next, you will need to stop Mac OSX from trying to reinstall itself once it reboots. When the installation for Mac OSX finishes and begins counting down to restart, click "Devices" at the top of the Virtualbox window, then "CD/DVD Devices", then "Remove disk from virtual drive". Finally, reboot your virtual machine by clicking "Machine" -> "Reset". This will happen:

Eventually, you should be led to a setup screen. If you're stuck at the shiny apple screen, reboot your virtual machine by clicking "Machine" -> "Reset", at the top of the Virtualbox window. I had to reboot my virtual machine 3 times before it finally worked.
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