Minggu, 11 September 2011

Jailbreak iOS 5 On iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad, iPod touch Using Redsn0w

Things to remember:
  • This will not work with iPad 2, or the iPhone 4S.
  • This is a tethered jailbreak, meaning that it will require you to connect the phone to a computer running Redsn0w whenever you power up the phone.
  • As has been the case before, by pursuing the tethered route, if and when an untethered jailbreak does surface, the chances are you’ll have to restore in order to utilize it.
With that out of the way, let’s get started!

Step 1: Download and install the new iTunes 10.5 on your Windows PC or Mac. Connect your iOS device with your computer and make sure you make a backup of everything.
NOTE: Those of you who rely on Gevey SIM or Ultrasn0w unlock should skip to “For Unlockers Only” section found at the bottom.
Step 2: Now upgrade your iOS device to the final version of iOS 5 using iTunes 10.5 on your Windows PC or Mac. Download links for final version of iOS 5 can be found here.
Step 3: Download the new Redsn0w 0.9.9b5 for Mac or 0.9.9b4 for Windows here.

Step 4: Click on the “Jailbreak” option, select “Install Cydia” and follow the onscreen instructions to enter DFU mode. Once you’re in DFU mode, Redsn0w will perform the jailbreak (without having to have you select the IPSW file manually! YES, the new Redsn0w can fetch all the required files automatically from Apple’s servers).

Booting into Tethered-Jailbreak Mode:
Step 4:
Once you’ve installed Cydia, you will need to boot the device into a tethered jailbroken state. Go into DFU mode, and then in “Extras”, opt for “Just Boot”. Redsn0w will subsequently boot your device as tethered. Note: Due to the nature of this jailbreak, you will have to repeat this booting sequence every time you wish to reboot your device.

For Unlockers Only:
If you rely on a Gevey SIM or Ultrasn0w (for old basebands only) unlock, DO NOT update to the stock firmware update offered by iTunes. Instead, use this latest version of Redsn0w to cook a custom firmware file without the upgraded baseband so that you can unlock it with Ultrasn0w or Gevey SIM. To do this, click on “Extras” option and then select “Custom IPSW” option. Select the required iOS 5 IPSW firmware file, and let Redsn0w make the custom firmware for you. Once done, enter Pwned DFU mode by selecting “Pwned DFU” from Redsn0w’s Extras option, and then restore to this custom firmware using iTunes. Once done, unlock your iPhone using Gevey SIM, or the updated Ultrasn0w.
Sabtu, 10 September 2011

How to fix Cydia Repo Errors : Using your iDevice or computer

Having problems with Cydia? Have a down or corrupt Source(s) that’s giving you errors? Well than you’ve come to the right place.
Below is the tutorial on how to get rid of these source(s) & prevent errors on Cydia start up.

Using your iDevice:
You should have iFile installed from Cydia to perform the tutorial on your iDevice.
1. Open Cydia and read the error. Look for the source(s) causing the problem. Remember them or write them down as you’re going to have to recognize them later.
2. Open iFile and and navigate to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/. Search for Cydia.list.

2. Open and edit the file. You will see a list like this:

4. Now look for the source(s) that showed error at Cydia start up & delete it from the Cydia.list file and save it.
E.g. If “http//:sinfuliphonerepo.com/” was the problem like it is in the first picture above, you would delete:
deb “http://sinfuliphonerepo.com/” from the list.
5. Reopen Cydia and it should work like a charm.

On your computer:
You will need to have a SSH program installed on your computer,Winscp or PuTTY for Windows & Cyberduck or Transmit for Mac, and SSH installed on your iDevice off Cydia.
1. Open Cydia and read the error. Look for the source(s) causing the problem. Remember them or write them down as you’re going to have to recognize them later.
2. SSH into your iDevice using one of the FTP clients mentioned above.
3.Navigate to /etc/apt/sources.list.d
4. Look for the Cydia.lsit file. Open and edit it in a text editing program e.g. Notepad on Windows.
5. Now find the source(s) that caused problem at Cydia start up and delete it.
E.g. If “http//:sinfuliphonerepo.com/” was the problem like it is in the first picture above, you would delete:
deb “http://sinfuliphonerepo.com/” from the list.
6. Reopen Cydia and enjoy the error free environment.
Jumat, 09 September 2011

5 Hacker terbaik sampai saat ini

5 orang dibawah ini merupakan top 5 black hat hacker ato lebih dikenal dengan hacker yang bandel, jail, dan nakal!! tapi jangan diraguin lagi kemampuan mereka!!

sapa siy niy ni orang...?okay, James adalah orang amerika, saat baru umur 16 taun dia dikirm ke penjara karena kelakuannya didunia maya cuy..situs departemen pertahanan Amerika dibobol ama si James dan dia cuma bilang itu tantangan bagi dia n merupakan datu kesenangan tersendiri..wah gila juga ni orang;;

NASA juga kena keisengan dia, James nyuri software NASA ang diperkirakan seharga $1.7 juta dollar AS. sampe2 NASA dipaksa untuk mematikan server dan sistemnya!!!

karena kelakuannya juga doi gak boleh megang komputer selama 10 tahun..kasian nih orang..haha

tapi sekarang doi udah dijalan yang bener dan bikin sebuah perusahaan keamanan dibidang komputer..mantab!!

ni orang juga sarap.doi ngebobol New York Times buat nedapetin info personal dan beberapa security number n ngebobol Microsoft (busyet gak tanggung2 dah). doi akhirnya didenda $65.000 dollar US,
saat ini doi jadi pembicara dibeberapa acara seminar!! bravo dach!!


kalo menurut gw inilah legenda hidup yang saat ini bener2 mantap dalam dunia hack.!!
ni kelakuan doi:

* menggunakan Los Angeles bus transfer system buat ngedapetin tumpangan gatis

* Mengelabui FBI

* Hacking kedalam DEC system(Digital Equipment Corporation)

* ngedapetin administrator positon dalam satu komputer IBM biar menang judi, karena adminnya yang punya laptop IBM tersebut..haha

* Hacking Motorola, NEC, Nokia, Sun Microsystems dan Fujitsu Siemens systems

dan masih banyak lagi kelakuan doi yang luar binasa

seorang white hat hacker pun yang bernama Tsutomu Shimomura pun (ahli juga doi dan merupakan top 5 white hat hacker<hacker bae bae>), di hack komputer systemnya, dan terjadilah perang luar biasa..

doi ketangkep dan kelacak oleh FBI dengan bantuan Tsutomu Shimomura yang ngelacak (tracking) lewat jaringan HP' yang dibawa ama Mitnick saat itu..

tapi sekarang doi dah tobat n jadi seorang penulis buku, konsultan security, dan pembicara.


juga dikenal dengan Dark Dante, doi ngehack database FBI (galak niy orang)
selain itu doi juga ngehack seluruh lines phone station. karena emang kemahiran dia ngehack lewat phone lines.

saat ini, dia jadi senior editor di Wired News, dan berhasil mengengkap 744 penawaran sex melalui profiles Myspace..!!
sukses dach gan!!


niy orang adalah orang yang pertama kali bikin Worm, yang dinamain Morris Worm (narsis niy orang)
melalui internet doi nyebari wormnya yang mengakibatkan sekitar 6000 komputer jadi down..!!!

dia akhirnya dipenjarakan rumah selama 3 tahun dan didenda sebesar $10.500 dollars

sekarang doi kerja sebagai professor di sebuah MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory!!


bernama KARL KOCH berasal dari hannover Jerman yang ngenamain komputernya FUCKUP (First Universal Cybernetic-Kinetic Ultra-Micro Programmer), doi melakukan beberapa keberhasilan dalam ngehack pada kurun waktu 1985-1988. doi juga seorang cocaine addict!!

dia berhasil membobol beberapa sistem militer AS dan ngehacked sebuah pusat tenaga nuklir AS pada jaman perang dingin dan hasil hack'annya dijual ke KGB (Agen Rahasia Uni Soviet)

dia ditemukan tewas pada tahun 1988, menurut info dia membakar tubuhnya sendiri, namun siapa tau, ini konspirasi tingkat tinggi antara US dan Soviet pada perang dingin!!!
mukanya ga ada yang serem yah..hehehehehe
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